Performing image analysis in plant breeding programs


Image phenotyping platforms

Image phenotyping platforms are a fast and non-invasive tool for phenotyping plant under lab and field conditions. The most common are sensors for imaging. The reflected light captured in these images can be used to draw inference about many traits, including:

  • Geometric traits (i.e. plant height, leaf area index, lodging, crop canopy cover)
  • Canopy spectral texture (spectral features)
  • Physiological traits (i.e., chlorophyll, biomass, pigment content, photosynthesis)
  • Abiotic/biotic stress indicators (i.e., stomatal conductance, canopy temperature difference, leaf water potential, senescence index)
  • Nutrients (nitrogen concentration, protein content)
  • Yield

Image segmentation

Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels or image objects).


Thresholding is the simplest method of image segmentation. This method is based on a clip-level (or a threshold value) to turn a gray-scale image into a binary image (Mask).


FIELDimageR is a R package to analyze images from research fields, and allows to:

  • Crop the image
  • Remove the background
  • Build vegetation indices
  • Rotate the image
  • Build the plot shapefile
  • Extract information for each plot

Datasets (Embrapa Maize & Sorghum)

A) Counting green seeds in Soybean:

  • 4 pictures: soybean samples with different green seeds percentage

  • Number of green seeds (0, 1, 6, and 11)

  • Donwload:

Embrapa EX2 (Vegetation indices and plant height)

B) Vegetation indices and plant height in sorghum:

  • 256 sorghum genotypes: granifero, biomassa, forrageiro
  • 288 total plots (16 columns and 18 rows)
  • Trait: plant height (PH)

Field data table with traits:

Estimated plant height using digital surface model (DSM)


Matias, F.I. (2019). FIELDimageR Pipeline (tutorial).

Matias, F.I.; Caraza-Harter, M.; Endelman, J.B. (2020). FIELDimageR: A R Package to Analyze Orthomosaic Images from Agricultural Field Trials. The Plant Phenome Journal. DOI:10.1002/ppj2.20005

Filipe Matias
Department of Horticulture
University of Wisconsin-Madison
